I don't feel like it.

...if I can't, then I must.

I don't feel like doing it today.

Sound familiar?

If I only did the things I feel like doing, I wouldn’t do 95% of the stuff.

Think about it. How many times have you skipped something because you didn't "feel like it"?

But here's the truth: it's not about feeling like it. It's about doing it anyway. The magic happens when you start. Once you’re doing it, the feeling often follows.

Like working out: you don't feel like going to the gym. But once you're there and once you're done, you're so freaking happy you did it.

“If I can’t, then I MUST.”

That’s a mindset shift. From avoidance to action. From excuses to results.

I'm often approached by people who want to start their own brand. I usually give them two pieces of advice:

  1. If you want to do it just to get rich quick, there are far easier ways to do so.

  2. In the first few years, you’ll very likely have to do many things you won’t enjoy. Ask yourself if you’re ready for that - and be honest with yourself.

Life isn't a Netflix series. You can't skip the tough parts.

The path of least resistance will never make you proud. Comfort zones are nice, but they don't lead to greatness.

Someone once said: "If you want security, go to prison." Harsh, but true.

Your identity cannot depend on your mood. Moods are fleeting. They change with the weather, with a bad night's sleep, with the latest news.

But your goals? Your dreams? They're constant. They need you to show up, even when you don't feel like it.

So, next time you catch yourself saying, "I don't feel like it," stop. Recognize it for what it is: a test. A challenge to push through. Get up. Start moving. The feeling will come. And even if it doesn’t, you’ll be proud you did it anyway.

Remember: the only thing that grows in your comfort zone is your waistline.
