Let them laugh.

Innovation is risky. But so is playing it safe.

One of my closest friends is a well-known rapper. Every time he releases a new album, he sends it to me first. I get the exclusive sneak peek.

His music is always innovative. Often pushing boundaries. But often before the audience is ready for it.

Not this time. I just listened to his unreleased album and the innovation is mixed with sounds and samples that sound extremely familiar.

"Most advanced yet acceptable."

It got me thinking about innovation and timing. Being too advanced can feel like a curse. History is full of examples.

Remember Nikola Tesla? He wanted to power the world wirelessly. People thought he was nuts. Now we’re all fighting over Wi-Fi signals in coffee shops.

Or take the Apple Newton. It was basically the iPad’s awkward older sibling. People weren’t ready to swipe and tap in the 90s. Now, try taking a tablet away from a toddler. Good luck.

In fashion, we see the same story. Designs that initially meet resistance can later become iconic.

At Life is Porno, we face similar challenges all the time. We strive to innovate. To push boundaries.

Sometimes our ideas are just ahead of their time. But we keep pushing.

Because innovation isn’t about immediate acceptance: it’s about creating something that will stand the test of time.

So here’s to being ahead of the curve.

To pushing boundaries.

To creating the future, even if the world isn’t ready for it. Just yet.


P.S.: If your ideas aren’t scaring you a little, they’re not big enough.